Caring For Your Live Mealworms

Mealworms are very easy to care for, plus they are excellent nutrition for your pets!

Quick nutrition facts: A live mealworm is 20% protein, 13% fat, 2% fiber, and 62% moisture. Source.

Mealworms can be kept in a large plastic container with plenty of ventilation. They should be covered with a thick layer (1-2 inches) of wheatbran, this is both a bedding material and a food source for the mealworm.

Live mealworms can be stored at room temperature or in a refrigerator. placing them in a refrigerator, the mealworm will go into a state of hibernation and will slow down the need for them to pupate (turning into a beetle). Once you are ready to use them, allow them to reach room temperature until they become active, approximately 4-6 hours before feeding to your animal.

If they do happen to pupate, no worries, you can still feed your pet the pupae. Pupae has approximately 8% more protein than the mealworms!

Mealworms can be stored up to a month refrigerated. To ensure your mealworms are well feed and stay healthy, remove from the fridge once a week, place a small piece of carrot or a slice of potato on the substrate. Allow them to sit out for 24 hours to eat and hydrate, then you may place them back in the refrigerator for longer storage.

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